Terms and Conditions
Advertisement or community placement revisions
The advertiser is solely responsible for notifying Suburban Journals of any changes to the advert copy or newsletter community placement booking by email prior to the advertising deadline. If no changes are received by the deadline date Suburban Journals reserves the right to run booked advertising as is and no refunds or credits will be applied.
Ad and article copy
All submissions must be copyright free and must meet the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act) and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA Act).
Interest charges
Interest will be charged at 2% per month on unpaid account balances 45 days after the invoice date.
NSF cheques
A fee of $50 will be charged for NSF cheques to cover administration costs and bank charges.
Disclaimer and liability
Any and all liability incurred in connection with advertising in any Suburban Journals publication will not exceed the cost of the related advertising insertion. Suburban Journals is not responsible for the content, accuracy or veracity of any advertisement.
Ad viewing
Clients viewing of the as printed newsletter through the website client access button is available for the duration of the month of publication only.